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Incitement film.
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Incitement crossword clue. Incitement israeli movie. Incitement to hatred. The girl from Ozark. Incitement meaning in urdu. Incitement meaning in hindi. Incitement law. The guy who assinated Rabin was taken to court and he spefically said If i were to tell the whole truth the entire system would collapse. I know enough to destroy this country. They would never include this quote in the documentary becuase Netanyahu was the one who advocated for a Zoninst state and Rabin was on his way to signing the Oslo Accords which was a two state solution with Palestine and wanted and succeded attempting peace with PLO which was a so called terrorist group but simply rebeled against the corrupt system Natanyahu was the one who was involved with his assination and other false flags. If this sells good well release: “Coming Home: Man Spider.
Incitement meaning. Incitement 2019 trailer. I wander what people call incitement. Ngilu is right. Tusipochunga we will not have a country called Kenya. Our leaders have forgotten the importance of protecting the country and they have concentrated on 2022 politics. This country is being taken by our neighbours. This movie portray yigal amir as a kind of israeli james bond meet assassin meshiah. it has nothing to do with reality. this movie is pure science fiction.
this kind of movie can not be made in the state of israel without government approval. this shows what kind of government is in control.
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Incitement hate speech. Incitement to violence law. Incitement movie online. Incitement define. Rite of Spring might have inspired the animeRide Back. Incitement test definition. Incitement 2008. Incitement on. Incitement yaron zilberman. IPT News November 18, 2014 The recent spike in Palestinian terrorist attacks targeting Israelis throughout the country occur amid growing incitement to violence and glorification of terrorism emanating from Palestinian Authority and Fatah officials and institutions. Tuesday's heinous attack on a Jerusalem synagogue was the " direct result " of that campaign, said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Within hours, Palestinian social media featured images glorifying the bloody slaughter of Jews while they worshipped. "Jerusalem is thirsty, and this thirst will be quenched with blood. " What follows is a list of recent attacks and examples of the incitement and glorification prominent in Palestinian social media outlets. Most of the violence has centered in Jerusalem, as Palestinians continue to engage in rock throwing, Molotov cocktail attacks, and rioting in the capital and surrounding neighborhoods. The following section outlines major Palestinian terrorist attacks targeting Israelis in recent weeks. November 18, 2014: Two Palestinian terrorists stormed a Jerusalem synagogue armed with a meat cleaver and a gun during morning prayer, killing four Israeli rabbis and seriously injuring at least eight other worshippers. Three victims, Moshe Twersky, Aryeh Kupinsky, and Kalman Levine were dual American-Israeli citizens, and one, Avraham Goldberg, was a British-Israeli national, according to Israeli police. November 10, 2014: The IDF discovered an explosive device north of Jerusalem in the West Bank, between the Jewish communities of Psagot and Beit El. November 10, 2014: Palestinian terrorists stab Israelis in separate incidents, killing a young woman and a soldier. In the first incident, a Palestinian man stabbed an Israeli soldier, Almog Shilony, in Tel Aviv who later succumbed to his injuries. Police arrested the suspect, 18 year-old Nur al-Din Abu Khashiyeh, from Nablus, who was staying in Israel illegally. Hours later, another Palestinian terrorist attacked Israelis with a knife, killing a young woman, Dalia Lemkus, after stabbing her in the neck and injuring two others at a bus stop in the West Bank community of Alon Shvut. Hamas identified the Alon Shvut attacker as Maher Hamdi al-Ashalmoun from Hebron, who was released previously as a security prisoner. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization later claimed responsibility for the attack. November 10, 2014: An Arab-Israeli mob attacked a car with rocks in the town of Taibe and set it on fire. An Arab-Israeli, Majdi Baloum, rescued the victim by pulling him out of his car. November 6, 2014: Bullets struck an Israeli police cruiser driving north of Ramallah. There were no reported injures and security personnel searched for the shooter. November 5, 2014: A Palestinian terrorist rammed his car into a crowd of Israeli pedestrians in Jerusalem killing a Border Police officer, Jidan Assad, and injuring 14 other people. A 17-year-old student later died of his injuries. The terrorist, Ibrahim al-Acri, a Hamas operative, then crashed into another group of pedestrians and got out of his car and tried to attack more civilians with a metal bar. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, referring to al-Acri as a "martyr" who conducted "a heroic operation. " November 5, 2014: A Palestinian driver crashed into a group of IDF soldiers in the West Bank hours after a separate deadly vehicular attack in Jerusalem. One of the soldiers was wounded critically. October 29, 2014: A Palestinian man shot American-Israeli Rabbi Yehuda Glick in front of Jerusalem's Menachem Begin Heritage Center. The suspect was killed the following morning after Israeli counter-terrorism forces surrounded his house and were fired upon. Israeli police discovered evidence that the suspected terrorist was involved in the Glick shooting. October 22, 2014: A suspected Hamas member crashed his car into a crowd of Israelis exiting the light rail station in Jerusalem, killing a three month-old American-Israeli girl, Chaya Zissel Braun, a woman from Ecuador, Karen Jemima Mosquera, and injuring eight others. Attempts to goad Palestinians into a new intifada quickly evolved from the more routine mayhem (Molotov cocktails and rock throwing) to a more aggressive approach recently termed 'car intifada. ' Art posted on Twitter urges more attacks be carried out. Among the examples: The 'car intifada' recently has been amended to include a ' Knife Intifada, ' as first reported by Khaled Abu Toameh. Several car attacks have been followed up by stabbings. It is thought that the stabbing in Alon Shvut was meant to be a car attack but was thwarted by a preventative cement barrier. Some of the Twitter posts have edifying art work. "Stab! " "Arise and Resist" The idea for knife intifada may have been inspired by Hamas: "Even he who owns nothing but his faith has a kitchen in his house in which he has a knife, " Fathi Hamad, a leader of Hamas, said in a Nov. 5 television interview. "He must grab his knife and confront the Zionist enemy. " Recent Examples of Palestinian Authority/Fatah Incitement to Violence In light of increasing terrorist attacks, Netanyahu has repeatedly accused the PA and Hamas of inciting violence against Israeli citizens. The following section outlines key examples of Palestinian Authority and Fatah sanctioned incitement to violence and glorification of terrorism in recent weeks: After the shooting of Rabbi Yehuda Glick, Abbas sent a condolence letter to the family of terrorist Mutaz Hijazi who was killed by Israeli authorities in a firefight during a raid for his capture. In the letter, Abbas called the terrorist a "Shahid, " a martyr who "rose to Heaven while defending our people's rights and holy places, " according to PMW. A senior Fatah official claimed responsibility for the attempted assassination. Adnan Ghaith, director of the Fatah branch in Jerusalem, admitted that the terrorist was a Fatah operative and was proud of his actions, according to an exclusive interview to the Quds [News] Network translated by PMW. "The Martyr (Shahid) Mutaz Hijazi, who carried out the assassination attempt, was a member of Fatah and one of its activities in [Jerusalem]. Since his release from the occupation prisons in 2012 [until his death], he participated in all the [Fatah] movement's events, and was active in it, " Ghaith said. "We in Fatah are not ashamed to take responsibility for the heroic act he carried out today, for it was a natural reaction to the occupation's crimes against Jerusalem and its holy places. " Abbas adviser and Fatah Central Committee member, Sultan Abu Al-Einein, also praised the terrorist on his Facebook page. "Your bullets were a beacon [on] a path that had become dark, the light of which will continue to shine for years to come, " Sultan wrote on November 3. Al-Einein also praised the terrorist who killed three-month-old American Israeli Haya Zissel-Brown and injured eight others following the terrorist attack. Al-Einein, Abbas' adviser, referred to the terrorist as a "heroic Martyr" on his official Facebook page, PMW reported. Abbas' Fatah movement also praised the terrorist by posting an obituary on its official Facebook page, also referring to the killer as a "heroic Martyr" and portraying his death as "his wedding. " The "wedding" reference relates to the Islamic belief that Martyrs for Allah are married to 72 virgins in the afterlife. Mahmoud Al-Aloul, a member of Fatah Central Committee, also re-posted the glorification on his personal Facebook account. Al-Einein's past glorification of terrorists led five U. S. Congress members to demand that Abbas fire his adviser and condemn this sentiment, to no avail. Fatah's official Facebook page explicitly encourages Palestinians to conduct similar vehicular attacks on Israelis. On November 6, Fatah's main page featured a cartoon referring to "the run over organization" (a play on words for the Arabic word for "run over" – da'es and the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State terrorist group based in Iraq and Syria – Da'esh), according to the PMW. The cartoon urges Palestinians to "Hit the gas at 199 [km/h] for Al-Aqsa. " Fatah advocated for the "run over" term to proliferate into a new popular hashtag (#Da'es) on social media, in an effort for the phrase to be adopted by social media users and the terrorist action carried out. Another official Fatah post calls for Palestinians to "Run over, friend, run over the foreign settler! ", referring to any Israeli citizen. Palestinian Authority TV broadcasted a video of Mahmoud Abbas' calling for Palestinian to prevent Jews from going to the Temple Mount compound "in any way, " according to PMW. The video was shown 19 times in three days, playing a clip of Abbas' October 17 speech, which implicitly calls for Palestinians to use violence against Israelis. In the same week, a terrorist killed a three-month old American-Israeli girl and a young Ecuadorian woman while hundreds of Palestinians participated in violent riots. Click here to view the PA video clip. By incorporating phrases such as "in any way" and "using all means, " the PA is explicitly calling for violence and terrorism. The incitement has been so blatant that it elicited a response from the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which called on President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and other political and religious leaders to condemn Abbas' incitement against Jews visiting their own holy places. The National Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority posted a cartoon depicting an Israeli soldier about to rape the Al-Aqsa Mosque, portrayed as a female in prison, according to PMW. The cartoon woman is crying in a jail cell as the Israeli soldier is preparing to remove his pants outside the cell. The soldier is depicted as saying: "Come on, sweetheart. " The text of the cartoon reads: "Daily cartoon: Al-Aqsa is being raped. " Two cartoons printed in Abbas' official Palestinian Authority daily, Al-Hayah Al-Jadida, entice Palestinians to strike Israelis with stones, according to PMW. One cartoon depicts a father and son at the entrance to the Dome of the Rock as the father gives his son a slingshot as the text reads: "Purification before Prayer is performed with stones. " On October 30, Fatah officially declared the next day to be a "Day of Rage, " calling on Palestinian "fighters" to engage Israelis in Jerusalem, according an official PA news agency report, WAFA, translated by Palestinian Media Watch. Palestinian and Israeli Arab Incitement Palestinian social media routinely features graphic and violent tweets calling on Palestinians to run over and kidnap Jews. Palestinian social media users directly refer to a "Car-Intifada" in Arabic as a trending topic and the "run over" ( Da'es in Arabic described above) hashtag is increasingly popular and widespread. Palestinian singers released a song encouraging hit and run terrorist attacks, explicitly glorifying the murder of the American-Israeli baby on November 6. "Run over the two month old baby – that is how we get them, " and "For Al-Aqsa we will run over settlers" are two of the shocking lyrics in the song written by Anas Garadat and Abu Khayad that is gaining traction in Palestinian social media. The head of the Islamic Movement in Israel, Sheik Raed Salah, called for Jerusalem to be "the capital of the global Caliphate" during a Friday sermon, according to a Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) report. "Inshallah, Jerusalem will soon become the capital of the global Caliphate. The Caliphate will spread justice throughout the land, after it was filled with injustice by America, the Zionist enterprise…, " Salah said during his speech in Nazareth. A new Israeli Arab movement, Kifah ("struggle") held its founding conference on November 1. It calls for a Pan-Arab Palestinian organization that supports "resistance" calls for the descendants of Palestinian refugees to return to Israel, and advocates for the "homeland's liberation, " according to MEMRI. A gruesome poster depicting a dead Israeli and a bloody knife featuring the text "Jerusalem is thirsty, and this thirst will be quenched with blood", is circulating on Palestinian social media. Hamas After terrorists carried out a massacre in a Jerusalem synagogue on November 18, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri praised the attack on Facebook, referring to it as a natural reaction to the "occupation" and called for more similar attacks against Israelis. Another Hamas spokesman, Mushir al-Masri, posted a photo of the terrorists, calling them heroes and the terrorist attack a "heroic action. " The Hamas affiliated Shehab News Agency published this graphic photo encouraging similar terrorist attacks against Jews. In calling for further attacks, Al-Masri posted a graphic cartoon depicting the brutal terrorist attack in the synagogue showing Jews piled up after being stabbed by Palestinians while other Jews flee in panic. After claiming responsibility for the November 5 car attack, Hamas called for more terrorist attacks against Israelis. "We call on the people of Jerusalem and the West Bank and all of the Palestinians to carry out more of these activities with full force in order to defend al-Aksa, " according to a Hamas' statement released November 5. PalInfo, considered an unofficial site for Hamas, [1] published an assassination 'hit list' on Twitter naming several Israeli cabinet members, including their photos and details. Following the murder of the three-month old American-Israeli girl on October 22, an official Hamas statement refers to the infant as a "female settler, " and urges Palestinians to escalate the confrontations' against Israel in various locations, according to an Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) translation. In light of Israel's response to the attacks and mounting tension over the Temple Mount, the Palestinian Authority has called on the United Nations to "adopt a position to call on the Israeli government to stop all these activities and policies of provocation and incitement. " As the recent spike in Palestinian terrorist attacks shows - Tuesday's slaughter being just the latest example - the lethal impact from provocation and incitement is being felt most heavily among Israeli civilians. Related Topics:, Palestinian incitement, Palestinian attacks, Palestinian Media Watch, MEMRI, Hamas, Palestinian Authority, knife intifada, car intifada, Adnan Ghaith, Sultan Abu Al-Einein, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, Mahmoud Abbas, Raed Salah, Sami Abu Zuhri, Palinfo.
Incitement laws. Incitement movie trailer. Like the Kennedy assassinations, the Rabin assassination is surrounded by a lot of unanswered questions. But this dramatization adheres closely to the accepted theory of Yigal Amir as lone killer. The English-language title, Incitement" unlike the Hebrew title) hints at the tirelessly repeated accusations that the political right in general, and Bibi Netanyahu in particular, stirred up the deadly animus against Rabin. However, the movie makes a point of accurately showing a couple of incidents that the accusations commonly distort. It shows that a particularly nasty poster of Rabin (dressing him in an SS uniform) was distributed by agent provocateur Avishai Raviv and wasn't really a poster at all but a handbill; and it shows that a coffin carried in an anti-Oslo demonstration was not a symbol threatening Rabin with death but a symbol lamenting the supposed death of Zionism. Where the depiction does go overboard, I'd say, is in emphasizing the tacit support by the religious establishment for an attack on Rabin. Bar-Ilan University, which has a Jewish religious atmosphere but also has secular Jewish students and even Arab students, is portrayed as entirely religious and plastered with anti-Rabin posters on every wall. Rabbis are shown one after another stopping short of disapproval with respect to Amir's intention to kill Rabin.
Despite not spending important time bashing Bibi, the movie does bother at the end to grumble that when he took office, his inaugural speech didn't mention Rabin.
But how is the movie as a movie? you ask. Apart from stating its point of view on the murder (and being released in Israel half a week before an election) it doesn't seem to have much of a message. As an exercise in recreating episodes that are only 25 years old and well remembered from the news, it works well. It blends recreations with authentic footage elegantly. The filmmakers did not employ well-known actors who would have made disbelief difficult to suspend, but the actors handle their parts well. The music is spare and appropriately ominous. But if the movie breaks forth from its narrow focus to imply any larger statement about the human condition, I missed it.
Netanyahu didn't want peace ! Anybody that talks about peace they get shot buy some religious gunmen. Incitement review. If you live in the United States, you are agreeing to the Snap Inc. Terms of Service. If you live outside the United States, you are agreeing to the Snap Group Limited Terms of Service. (If you live in the United States) Effective: October 30, 2019 Welcome! We’ve drafted these Terms of Service (which we call the “Terms”) so you’ll know the rules that govern our relationship with you. Although we have tried our best to strip the legalese from the Terms, there are places where these Terms may still read like a traditional contract. There’s a good reason for that: These Terms do indeed form a legally binding contract between you and Snap Inc. So please read them carefully. By using Snapchat, Bitmoji, or any of our other products or services that link to these Terms (we refer to these collectively as the “Services”), you agree to the Terms. 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WAIVE ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY RIGHTS TO GO TO COURT AND HAVE A TRIAL IN FRONT OF A JUDGE OR A JURY. are instead electing to have claims and disputes resolved by arbitration. Arbitration procedures are typically more limited, more efficient, and less costly than rules applicable in court and are subject to very limited review by a court. In any litigation between you and Snap Inc. over whether to vacate or enforce an arbitration award, YOU AND Snap Inc. WAIVE ALL RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL, and elect instead to have the dispute be resolved by a judge. Waiver of Class or Consolidated Actions. ALL CLAIMS AND DISPUTES WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THIS ARBITRATION AGREEMENT MUST BE ARBITRATED OR LITIGATED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS AND NOT ON A CLASS BASIS. CLAIMS OF MORE THAN ONE CUSTOMER OR USER CANNOT BE ARBITRATED OR LITIGATED JOINTLY OR CONSOLIDATED WITH THOSE OF ANY OTHER CUSTOMER OR USER. If, however, this waiver of class or consolidated actions is deemed invalid or unenforceable, neither you nor we are entitled to arbitration; instead all claims and disputes will be resolved in a court as set forth in Section 18. Right to Waive. Any rights and limitations set forth in this arbitration agreement may be waived by the party against whom the claim is asserted. Such waiver will not waive or affect any other portion of this arbitration agreement. Opt-out. You may opt out of this arbitration agreement. If you do so, neither you nor Snap Inc. can force the other to arbitrate. To opt out, you must notify Snap Inc. in writing no later than 30 days after first becoming subject to this arbitration agreement. Your notice must include your name and address, your Snapchat username and the email address you used to set up your Snapchat account (if you have one), and an unequivocal statement that you want to opt out of this arbitration agreement. You must either mail your opt-out notice to this address: Snap Inc., ATTN: Arbitration Opt-out, 2772 Donald Douglas Loop North, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email the opt-out notice to. Small Claims Court. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either you or Snap Inc. may bring an individual action in small claims court. Arbitration Agreement Survival. This arbitration agreement will survive the termination of your relationship with Snap Inc. 18. Exclusive Venue To the extent that these Terms allow you or Snap Inc. to initiate litigation in a court, both you and Snap Inc. agree that all claims and disputes (whether contract, tort, or otherwise), including statutory claims and disputes, arising out of or relating to the Terms or the use of the Services will be litigated exclusively in the United States District Court for the Central District of California. If, however, that court would lack original jurisdiction over the litigation, then all such claims and disputes will be litigated exclusively in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. consent to the personal jurisdiction of both courts. 19. Choice of Law Except to the extent they are preempted by U. federal law, the laws of California, other than its conflict-of-laws principles, govern these Terms and any claims and disputes (whether contract, tort, or otherwise) arising out of or relating to these Terms or their subject matter. 20. Severability If any provision of these Terms is found unenforceable, then that provision will be severed from these Terms and not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. 21. Additional Terms for Specific Services Given the breadth of our Services, we sometimes need to craft additional terms and conditions for specific Services. Those additional terms and conditions, which will be available with the relevant Services, then become part of your agreement with us if you use those Services. If any part of those additional terms and conditions conflicts with these Terms, the additional terms and conditions will prevail. 22. Final Terms These Terms (together with any additional terms applicable to specific Services you use) make up the entire agreement between you and Snap Inc., and supersede any prior agreements. These Terms do not create or confer any third-party beneficiary rights. If we do not enforce a provision in these Terms, it will not be considered a waiver. We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you. You may not transfer any of your rights or obligations under these Terms without our consent. Contact Us Snap Inc. welcomes comments, questions, concerns, or suggestions. Please contact us by visiting. Snap Inc. is located in the United States at 2772 Donald Douglas Loop North, Santa Monica, California 90405. (If you live outside the United States) We’ve drafted these Terms of Service (which we call the “Terms”) so you’ll know the rules that govern our relationship with you. There’s a good reason for that: these Terms do indeed form a legally binding contract between you and Snap Group Limited. So please read them carefully. In order to use Snapchat, Bitmoji, or any of our other products or services that link to these Terms (we refer to these collectively as the “Services”), you must have accepted our Terms and Privacy Policy, which are presented to you (i) when you first open the app and (ii) when we make any material changes to the Terms or the Privacy Policy. Of course, if you don’t accept them, then don’t use the Services. These Terms apply to you if you live outside the United States or if you are using the Services on behalf of a business located outside the United States. If you live in the United States or are using the Services on behalf of a business located there, the Snap Inc. Terms of Service apply. ARBITRATION NOTICE: IF YOU’RE USING THE SERVICES ON BEHALF OF A BUSINESS, THEN YOUR BUSINESS WILL BE BOUND BY THE ARBITRATION CLAUSE THAT APPEARS LATER IN THESE TERMS. 1. Who can use the Services you can form a binding contract with Snap Group Limited. you are not a person who is barred from receiving the Services under the laws of the United States, the United Kingdom, or any other applicable jurisdiction—including, for example, that you do not appear on the U. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or face any other similar prohibition. you are not a convicted sex offender. you will comply with these Terms and all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules, and regulations. If you are using the Services on behalf of a business or some other entity, you state that you are authorised to grant all licences set out in these Terms and to agree to these Terms on behalf of the business or entity. 2. Rights we grant you Snap Group Limited grants you a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, revocable, and non-sublicensable licence to access and use the Services. This licence is for the sole purpose of letting you use and enjoy the Services’ benefits in a way that these Terms and our usage policies, such as our Community Guidelines, allow. The Services include Bitmoji, which allows you to assemble an avatar using visual elements we provide (a “Bitmoji Avatar”). All Bitmoji Avatars are owned exclusively by Snap Group Limited (or its affiliates), and we reserve the right to use any Bitmoji Avatars for any purpose, including to promote our products and services. You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of our Services. Nor may you reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of that software, unless laws prohibit these restrictions or you have our written permission to do so. 3. Rights you grant us Many of our Services let you create, upload, post, send, receive, and store content. But you grant us a licence to use that content. How broad that licence is depends on which Services you use and the settings you have selected. We call Story submissions that are set to be viewable by Everyone as well as content you submit to crowd-sourced Services, including Our Story, “Public Content. ” For all content you submit to the Services other than Public Content, you grant Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc., and our affiliates a worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable licence to host, store, use, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, edit, publish, and distribute that content for as long as you use the Services. This licence is for the limited purpose of operating, developing, providing, promoting, and improving the Services and researching and developing new ones. Because Public Content is public by nature and records matters of public interest, the licence you grant us for this content is broader. For Public Content, you grant Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc., our affiliates, and our business partners all of the same rights you grant for non-Public Content in the previous paragraph, as well as a licence to create derivative works from, promote, exhibit, broadcast, syndicate, publicly perform and publicly display Public Content in any form and in any and all media or distribution methods (now known or later developed). To the extent it’s necessary, when you appear in, create, upload, post, or send Public Content, you also grant Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc., our affiliates, and our business partners the unrestricted, worldwide right and licence to use your name, likeness, and voice. This means, among other things, that you will not be entitled to any compensation from Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc., our affiliates, or our business partners if your name, likeness, or voice is conveyed through the Services, either on the Snapchat application or on one of our business partners’ platforms. For more information about how to tailor who can watch your content, please take a look at our Privacy Policy and Support Site. We reserve the right to delete any content (i) which we think violates these Terms or our Community Guidelines, or (ii) if necessary to comply with our legal obligations. However, you alone, remain responsible for the content you create, upload, post, send, or store through the Services. The Services may contain advertisements. In consideration for Snap Group Limited letting you access and use the Services, you agree that we, Snap Inc., our affiliates, and our third-party partners may place advertising on the Services, including personalised advertising based upon the information you provide us or we collect or obtain about you. Because the Services contain content that you and other users provide us, advertising may sometimes appear near, between, over, or in your content. With respect to your use of Bitmoji, you grant Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc., and our affiliates and business partners a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable licence to host, store, use, display, reproduce, modify, adapt, edit, publish, distribute, promote, exhibit, broadcast, syndicate, publicly perform, and distribute (a) any actual or simulated likeness, image, voice, name, poses, or other personal characteristics (collectively, your “Likeness”) embodied in a Bitmoji Avatar or the Bitmoji Services, and (b) any materials you create using the Bitmoji Services, as well as the right to create and use derivative works from those materials, in any and all media or distribution methods (now known or later developed). This licence is for the limited purpose of operating, developing, providing, promoting, and improving the Services and researching and developing new ones. This means, among other things, that you will not be entitled to any compensation from Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc., our affiliates, or our business partners if your name, likeness, or voice is conveyed through or in connection with Bitmoji, either on the Bitmoji application or on one of our business partner’s platforms. Should you develop or be deemed to have any rights in a Bitmoji Avatar, you irrevocably and unconditionally assign (and in the case of copyright, by way of a present assignment of future copyright) to Snap Group Limited absolutely, with full title guarantee and free from any encumbrances, all of your right, title, and interest in and to such Bitmoji Avatar. To the extent permissible by law, you irrevocably waive – or agree not to assert against Snap Group Limited or its affiliates to the extent a waiver is not permitted – any moral rights or equivalent rights you may have in the Bitmoji Avatar throughout the world. While we're not required to do so, we may access, review, screen, and delete any Bitmoji Avatar at any time and for any reason. However, you alone remain responsible for your use of the Bitmoji Avatar that you create through our Services. 4. The content of others Much of the content on our Services is produced by users, publishers, and other third parties. Whether that content is posted publicly or sent privately, the content is the sole responsibility of the person or organisation that submitted it. Although Snap Group Limited reserves the right to review all content that appears on the Services and to remove any content that violates these Terms, our Community Guidelines or the law, we do not necessarily review all of it. Through these Terms and our Community Guidelines, we make clear that we don't want the Services to be put to bad uses. But because we don't review all content, we cannot guarantee that content on the Services, or that our users’ use of our Services, will always conform to our Terms or Guidelines. Your privacy matters to us. You can learn how your information is handled when you use our Services by reading the Privacy Policy. 6. Respecting others' rights Snap Group Limited respects the rights of others. You therefore may not use the Services, or enable anyone else to use the Services, in a manner that: violates or infringes someone else’s rights of publicity, privacy, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual-property right; bullies, harasses, or intimidates; defames; You must also respect Snap Inc. ’s rights and adhere to the Brand Guidelines, Bitmoji Brand Guidelines, and any other brand guidelines published by Snap Inc. You may not do any of the following (or enable anyone else to do so). use branding, logos, icons, user interface, designs, photographs, videos, or any other materials used in our Services, except as explicitly allowed by the Brand Guidelines, Bitmoji Brand Guidelines, or other brand guidelines published by Snap Inc. In short: You may not use the Services or the content on the Services in ways that are not authorised by these Terms. Respecting copyright Snap Group Limited honors copyright laws, including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. And if Snap Group Limited becomes aware that one of its users has repeatedly infringed copyrights, we will take reasonable steps within our power to terminate the user’s account. If you file a notice with our Copyright Agent, it must: contain the physical or electronic signature of a person authorised to act on behalf of the copyright owner; identify the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed; identify the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed, or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to let us locate the material; provide your contact information, including your address, telephone number, and an email address; provide a personal statement that you have a good-faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; provide a statement that the information in the notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorised to act on behalf of the copyright owner. You will not use any robot, spider, crawler, scraper, or other automated means or interface to access the Services or extract other users’ information. You will not use the Services in a way that could interfere with, disrupt, affect negatively, or inhibit other users from fully enjoying the Services, or that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the functioning of the Services. You will not post content that contains pornography, graphic violence, threats, hate speech, or incitements to violence. You will not attempt to circumvent any content-filtering techniques we employ, or attempt to access areas or features of the Services that you are not authorised to access. 9. Your account You will not create more than 1 account for yourself. You will not buy, sell, rent or lease access to your Snapchat account, Snaps, a Snapchat username or a friend link without our written permission. You will not log in or attempt to access the Services through unauthorised third-party applications or clients. If you think that someone has gained access to your account, please reach out immediately to Snapchat Support. One of the options we provide with Memories is the ability to create a restricted area by setting a passcode, which might be a PIN or a passphrase or some other mechanism. This is similar to the device-lock option you may be using on your mobile device; by setting a passcode, you make it less likely that another person who gets hold of your device will be able to see what you saved to the restricted area of Memories. But here’s a big warning: if you lose or forget your Memories passcode, or if you enter the wrong one too many times, you will lose access to any content you saved in the restricted area of Memories. Please go to our Support Site for more details on passcodes. Your content in Memories might become unavailable for any number of reasons, including things such as an operational glitch or a decision to terminate your account at our end. As we can’t promise that your content will always be available, we recommend keeping a separate copy of the content you save to Memories. We make no promise that Memories will be able to accommodate your precise storage needs. We reserve the right to set storage limits for Memories, and we may change these limits from time to time at our sole discretion. And just as with our other Services, your use of Memories may take up space on your device and may incur mobile data charges. 11. Data charges and mobile phones 12. Third-party services If you use a service, feature or functionality that is operated by a third party and made available through our Services (including Services we offer jointly with the third party), each party’s terms will govern the respective party’s relationship with you. Neither Snap Group Limited nor Snap Inc. is responsible or liable for a third party’s terms or actions taken under the third party’s terms. 13. Modifying the Services and termination We’re relentlessly improving our Services and creating new ones all the time. This means that we may add or remove features, products, or functionalities, and we may also suspend or stop the Services altogether. We may take any of these actions at any time, and when we do, we will try to notify you beforehand - but this won’t always be possible. Though we hope you remain a lifelong Snapchatter, you can terminate these Terms at any time and for any reason by deleting your account. Snap Group Limited may also terminate these Terms with you if you fail to comply with these Terms, our Community Guidelines or the law, or for any reason outside of our control. And while we’ll try to give you advance notice, we can’t guarantee it. Our right to terminate these Terms means that we may stop providing you with any Services, or impose new or additional limits on your ability to use the Services. For example, we may deactivate your account due to prolonged inactivity, and we may reclaim your username at any time for any reason. Regardless of who terminates these Terms, both you and Snap Group Limited continue to be bound by Sections 3, 6, 9, 10 and 13-22 of the Terms. You agree, to the extent permitted by law, to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc. and our affiliates, directors, officers, stockholders, employees, licensors, suppliers, and agents from and against any complaints, charges, claims, damages, losses, costs, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) due to, arising out of, or relating in any way to: (a) your access to or use of the Services; (b) your content; and (c) your breach of these Terms. We try to keep the Services up and running and free of annoyances. But we cannot promise that we will always succeed. The Services are provided “as is” and “as available” and to the extent permitted by law without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, in particular implied warranties, conditions, or other terms relating to (i) merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, title, quiet enjoyment, non-infringement, or (ii) arising from a course of dealing. In addition, while Snap Group Limited attempts to provide a good user experience, we do not represent or warrant that: (a) the Services will always be secure, error-free or timely; (b) the Services will always function without delays, disruption or imperfections; or (c) that any content or information you obtain through the Services will be timely or accurate. IF THE LAW OF THE COUNTRY WHERE YOU LIVE DOES NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSIONS OF LIABILITY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS CLAUSE, THOSE EXCLUSIONS SHALL NOT APPLY. Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc., and their affiliates take no responsibility and assume no liability for any content that you, another user, or a third party creates, uploads, posts, sends, receives, or stores on or through our Services. You understand and agree that you may be exposed to content that might be offensive, illegal, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate, none of which Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc., nor their affiliates will be responsible for. Nothing in these Terms will exclude or limit any responsibility we may have to remove content if so required by the law of the country where you live. 16. Limitation of liability Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc. and our affiliates, directors, officers, stockholders, employees, licensors, suppliers, and agents will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, or multiple damages, or any loss of profits or revenues, whether incurred directly or indirectly, or any loss of data, use, goodwill or other intangible losses, resulting from: (a) your use of the Services or inability to use the Services; (b) your access to or inability to access the Services; (c) the conduct or content of other users or third parties on or through the Services; or (d) unauthorised access, use or alteration of your content. In no event will Snap Group Limited, Snap Inc. or their affiliates’ aggregate liability for all claims relating to the Services exceed the greater of €100 EUR or the amount you paid Snap Group Limited in the last 12 months for any paid Services. IF THE LAW OF THE COUNTRY WHERE YOU LIVE DOES NOT ALLOW ANY LIMITATION OF LIABILITY PROVIDED FOR IN THIS CLAUSE, THAT LIMITATION WILL NOT APPLY. 17. Dispute resolution, arbitration If you have a concern, let’s talk. Go ahead and contact us first and we’ll do our best to resolve the issue. Some of our Services may have additional terms that contain dispute-resolution provisions unique to that Service or your residency. If you are using the Services on behalf of a business (rather than for your personal use), you and Snap Group Limited agree that to the extent permitted by law, all claims and disputes between us arising out of or relating to these Terms or the use of the Services will be finally settled under the LCIA Arbitration Rules, which are incorporated by reference into this clause. There will be one arbitrator (to be appointed by the LCIA), the arbitration will take place in London, and the arbitration will be conducted in English. If you do not wish to agree to this clause, you must not use the Services. 18. Exclusive venue To the extent the parties are permitted under these Terms to initiate litigation in a court, both you and Snap Group Limited agree that all claims and disputes (whether contractual or otherwise) arising out of or relating to the Terms or the use of the Services will be litigated exclusively in the courts of England in the United Kingdom, unless this is prohibited by the laws of the country where you reside. You and Snap Group Limited consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of those courts. 19. Choice of law The laws of England and Wales govern these Terms and any claims and disputes (whether contractual or otherwise) arising out of or relating to these Terms or their subject matter. The courts in some countries may not apply the laws of England and Wales to some disputes related to these Terms. If you reside in one of those countries, the laws of your home country may apply to those disputes. 21. Additional terms for specific Services Given the breadth of our Services, we sometimes need to craft additional terms and conditions for specific Services. Those additional terms and conditions, which will be presented to you before you access the relevant Services, then become part of your agreement with us when you accept them. Final terms These Terms make up the entire agreement between you and Snap Group Limited and supersede any prior agreements. Contact us Snap Group Limited welcomes comments, questions, concerns, or suggestions. You can contact us or get support by using this online form. The company responsible for the Services outside the United States is called Snap Group Limited and is located in the United Kingdom at 77 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W1D 5DU, United Kingdom. Registered company number: 09763672. Authorised representative: David Lewis, Director. VAT ID: GB 237218316.
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