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  1. Correspondent: Szekeres Tamás

Average ratings=8,9 / 10 Star runtime=45 Minutes Sydney Newman The Doctor, a Time Lord/Lady from the race whose home planet is Gallifrey, travels through time and space in their ship the T.A.R.D.I.S. (an acronym for Time and Relative Dimension In Space) with numerous companions. From time to time The Doctor regenerates into a new form (which is how the series has been running since the departure of the original actor, William Hartnell, in 1966) Matt Smith. Rose Tyler (Billie Piper), a csinos fiatal lány egy londoni áruházban dolgozik. Egy napon véres, megmagyarázhatatlan események tanúja lesz, és veszélybe kerül az ő élete is. Azonban felbukkan egy rejtélyes férfi (Christopher Eccleston), aki magát nemes egyszerűséggel Doktornak nevezi, és aki nem csak őt menti meg... Rose rövid időn belül egy lázas és mozgalmas csata közepén találja magát, ahol a tét nem más, mint a Föld és az emberiség megmentése. A lány hamar rájön, hogy új barátja még annál is különösebb, mint ahogy ő gondolta. A Doktor ugyanis képes utazni térben és időben, hogy felvegye a harcot az ellenséggel. Amennyiben Rose vele tart, tanúja lehet a Föld jövőbeni pusztulásának, találkozhat Charles Dickens-szel a múltban és szembesülhet olyan eseményekkel, amelyeket előtte lehetetlennek hitt. Csupán egy dolog biztos: ez az utazás egy életen át tart. hunika1998 2013-04-08 18:33:20 Halli ez a kedvenc sorozatom nem lehetet volna megoldani hogy putlocker ben legyen a magyar is? mert nálam az inda eg csomot bufferingo vagy mit csinál és nem élvezetes igy lécci valaki töltse fel ujra a magyar részét putlocker el vagy played el nekem meg tenné a you tube is kösz elöre is. Hacker 2013-04-11 22:33:24 Tudtommal csak indavideón van fent az összes rész itt: A 7. évad 6. része az a Karácsonyi külön rész volt. Így onnantól az egész sorozat számozása csúszik a 7. évadnál. green violin 2013-07-18 01:55:39 A 7. évad kilencedik és tizedik rész között kimaradt egy rész, a Hide. Valaki nem akarja feltölteni feliratosan, légyszi? :) Suesue 2014-08-24 10:08:26 AriaLydia 2014-12-25 20:05:48 Bocsi valaki nem tudja, hoyg mikor töltik fel bárhová a mai részt? Bocsi csak nagyon várom!!! :) Penge77 2015-11-20 12:39:03 Nagyon jó sorozat csak jó lenne ha a második évadba lennének olyan linkek ami egyáltalán működik is nem csak hibásak xD:D Kérlek ha valakinek ezek meg van akkor töltse már fel az oldalra:D muhoha 2017-11-07 19:18:08 Tud valaki valamit, mikor kezdődik a következő évad? Shirajan 2017-12-30 13:18:28 A 11. évad 0. része a 10. elejére került...

This song makes me cry everytime I hear it. It just makes me think of how tired and old the doctor really is. Hes seen things no person should see. The day doctor who ends is the day the doctor finally rests. Its like iron man dying. It needs to happen. Hes old. Hes tired. Hes done his best. Its up to humanity now. RIP Doctor Who. 9 Best osgood (doctor who) images | Osgood doctor who, Doctor who, Doctor who 12. Rövid sidenote: nekem az egész capaldi era a heaven sent-el adta meg a löketet hogy végig vele maradjak, rossz forgatókönyv és clara ellenére IS Sajnos a Jodie era már menthetetlen, Matt Smith óta vártam hetente a sorozatot gyermeki lelkesedéssel, viszont a 11. Évadot 3 rész után a baseball szabályoknak megfelelően ejtettem is, mert próbáltam megszeretni de teljes katasztrófa az egész.

XD Ugyan így voltam Én is vele :D. For speeches like this, the amazing part isn't so much what gets said, even though it IS good. The thing that makes these kinds of speech transcend is everything around the speech. HOW is it spoken? What is the context? How well does it get delivered? What other factors, if any, are at play? THAT'S the kind of stuff that I look at. This speech to Akhaten ticks pretty much all of my boxes. The Doctor's unimaginable grief and unknowable age is on clear display, as he recounts his tale, making us realize that he may be an alien being, but he's also one of the most human characters on the show. As for context? Clara wanted to see Something amazing but ended up encountering a terrified little girl, who was to be used as a sacrifice to this roaming parasite. In order to protect her, all the citizens of the Rings of Akhaten banded together in solidarity, and provided one of the most beautifully haunting songs I've ever heard. Delivery? Hell, you can see the actor putting his all into the role. That single tear does more to humanize him than any plethora of actions taken before. I'd say that the actor wasn't just speaking. I'd say he was legitimately FEELING the scene, feeling the years that the Doctor has fought. This is a bit off topic, but there's a quote in the Eragon books that's a pretty clear Doctor Who reference: Adrift upon the seas of time, the lonely god wanders from shore to distant shore, upholding the laws of the stars above. And to be quite honest, I think that Lonely God is a perfect title for the Doctor. I mean, think about it: He's this incredibly powerful being that sets himself apart from the rest of the universe by his own choice to protect it. As spoken in this speech, he watched as the universe was born, and watched as it died. In one of the other episodes, Clara is horrified to see the Doctor completely unaffected by Earth's death, referring to herself as a ghost. She doesn't get the big picture: The Doctor has watched ALL the worlds die. By Clara's definition, anyone or anything the Doctor sees is a ghost to him. This leads to the creation of one of the most complex, most pure, most human characters ever put to television, being ripped apart by immeasurable, unknowable grief upon seeing everything around him dying and being born all at the same time.

Köszönöm ezt a fantasztikus videót! Órákig hallgatnám még. Claratól származik az egyik kedvenc mondatom ami az ő sztorijának egy visszaköszönő fő eleme: Run you clever boy and remember me! Nem tudom miért de ez nagyon megmaradt bennem ez az egy mondat. 10/10. nekem volt egy pont amiután nem mertem tovább nézni mert az első évadok jöttek be a legjobban és nem akartam elrontani xD. Külön köszönet Keny, hogy elkészítetted ezt a videót. Doctor Who fronton valóbban kevés a hazai video. Bár szerintem a normális külföldi is. A komplexitása nagy visszatartó erő.

I feel like there should be a Whovian alarm clock that plays this song.

71 Best A DOCTOR images | Doctor who, Dr who, David tennant

“I have lost things you will never understand” I think that has to be one of the most powerful lines Ive heard. Everyone can relate to it, its not unique, but at the same time none of those billions of experiences are the same. Just memories that will never be full comprehended but at the same time can all be empathised with. And thats the irony of the sentence that drives it home for me. “No one can understand it, but everyone can relate to it”. Matt was such a good doctor. I started watching Doctor who during the first 3 months of him being the doctor (And i have watched all of new who now.) And he is the best. He portrayed the pain and the sorrow and the sadness of the doctor so well. His Childness was a facade to hide this and he did it well. He is one of the best actors this show has ever had.

Giga mega lájk! Nem mindenem érzek hasonlóan de, a 11. Évadot nagyon jól körül írtad. 1:40 uuugh I love the tone his voice just drops to when he lets the façade down like this, Matt Smith is ironically excellent at the moments the doctor lets his age and wisdom show.

These were the last few years when Doctor who was actually watchable

This will always be who the Doctor is, to me. When Eleven was being born, he fell from the sky in answer to a scared little girls prayer to be saved. He was still forming, and so he formed himself into her protector. And here again. Even now, even still; standing between a scared kid and her scary monster, offering himself in her place. And he doesnt even think hes a hero. Maybe not. But hes my hero anyways. New to Doctor Who? Who is Doctor Who? A Time Traveler that chooses Earth companions on his adventures across the universe and all times! Wait! there's more to that. If you liked The Twilight Zone (what is that? too young? the X-Files, Sherlock, Fringe, with a bit of Firefly or Farscape, I guarantee you will get hooked with Doctor Who. You want to start with the 2005 Season 1 to get a hold of all those memes and Pinterest buzz about Daleks, sonic screwdrivers, TARDIS and Doctor's quotes that I could not stand anymore. This series go waaaaay back to the 60s, but you do not need to see the old ones since they rebooted the series with this 2005, a way to get new generations into it, and it worked. Now be patient and do NOT compare the first chapters of 2005 to today's special effects, though: the first chapter you will be like "Whaaaat. but get into the mood and remember they will go on getting better and better until last season. I promise you will love it. TTFN.

“I hope you have a big appetite, because I have lived a long I have seen a few things.I walked away from the last, great time war... I marked the passing of the Timelords. I saw the birth of the Universe and watched as time ran out, moment by moment until nothing remained no time, no space! Just me! I walked in universes were the laws of physics were divised by the mind of a mad man! I watched universes freeze and creations burn, I've seen things you wouldn't believe! I have lost things you will never understand! And I know things, secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken! Knowledge that will make parasite Gods blaze! So come on then! Take it! Take it all baby! Have it, you have it all!“ This exact speech reminds me of all the times the Doctor has seen pain and seen people die, people that he loved, people that he cared about! The 11th doctor is the most Saddest most funniest Doctor of them 11th doctor is my Doctor and he will always be my personal favourite. Doctor who is a show about love, sorrow, joy and mystery, it is one of the most feel show in the universe.

Because i have lived a long life, and i have seen a FEW things Notice how the Doctor said he only seen a few when he literally have seen places where law of physics defied, see another dimension, watch the birth and death of the universe. He said that because he genuinely believed that there's still more to see and discover, problems to solve, mysteries to be uncovered, more knowledge to be learned. And that is why the Doctor is so badass.

Szuper lett a vidi imadom ezt a sorit ment a like

Sixteen Of Our Favorite 'Doctor Who' Moments | Doctor who funny, Doctor who, Doctor who 10

Nagyon jó videót lett Gratulálok. Csak kár hogy Magyar szinkronos. Remek videó, remek sorozat! De sajnálom, hogy a legutóbbi két évadban nagyon előtérbe került a politikai korrektség meg a kultúrbalos motívumok. Már nagyon vártram.

  2. 超時空奇俠


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